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Personal Color Analysis


Have you ever wondered why you always get compliments when you wear certain colors, or why some colors make you look dull or even ill? The answer: color harmony and color dis-harmony. Your natural hair, skin, and eye color tones are determined by pigments found within your body. Personal color analysis is the process of analyzing these natural color tones to find your most harmonious colors that enhance your unique beauty.


  • Theory learning: Understand the theory and learn how to apply it in your daily lives

  • Four season colors: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter color features

  • Your personal color: Using professional color drapes, we will look for color combinations that make your face look bright, diminish your facial defects such as redness, wrinkles and uneven skin tone

  • Your jewelry, hair color, makeup color and product suggestions

  • Your personal color analysis summary report



1 hour


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